Sunday 17 July 2011

Giant Robot at Latitude

So last weekend we packed our tents, wellies, crates of Strongbow and port and headed off to our first ever Latitude festival in Suffolk. I was expecting good things as it is smaller than Glastonbury with loads of bands I couldn't wait to see, a comedy tent and Giant Robot - one of our favourite eatiers from near where I work that had a pop up restaurant there too.

We booked before we left for the festival for the Sunday lunchtime, I thought by this time we would be suitably hungover and want to have a sit down meal, be waited on and be undercover from the forecasted thunderstorms! We turned up to find a giant cog archway that led into the little undercover restaurant where they very kindly found us a bigger table for an extra two friends we found along the way.

Just as we were sitting down, another of the many rain showers started and we sat undercover feeling smug as we watched people diving for cover. The menu was a mini version of the one in the restaurant with a selection of favourites such as meatballs and a separate hot dog menu by the people from Trailer Happiness in Notting Hill.

I went for the meatballs with spaghetti and some green beans on the side - the first vegetables I had seen all weekend! The pasta was perfectly cooked, sauce was full of flavour, the meatballs substantial and the cheese on top made my day. With a hangover from three cider filled days this was the perfect meal to get me going again!

The sausages with lentils are also worth a mention - again a really hearty meal that hit the spot for our friend, Chris.

On the side of the restaurant was the BBQ run by the folks at Trailer Happiness who specialised in hot dogs that were so good, one of group went back for a second helping.

This was a much needed meal to get us through the last bit of the festival, leaving us feeling very content and ready to drink a little bit more cider...

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