Saturday 6 October 2012

Shopping Detox

In a couple weeks I'm turning the big 3 0 and decided it was time to make some lifestyle changes before I hit this milestone.

For the past few years I've been slowly putting on the pounds, eating more and more junk and generally feeling a little bit chubby - it's not the way I want to say goodbye to my twenties. My impending thirties has made me feel that it's time to stop abusing the body I have, I'll only have one and it needs to last me a while yet.

As a early birthday present to myself I booked to see a Personal Trainer, thankfully I found myself a brilliant one - Gail Abbey has not only whipped me in to shape with some workouts (which I have kind of enjoyed in a weird way), but she also given me some great advice on my diet too. Admittedly when I first got introduced to the 21 day 'So Lean and Clean' detox I was worried - I LOVE my food and hadn't bargained on Gail advising me on changing what I eat, but as she rightly explained it was needed if I was going to get the most out of the experience.

So the '10 year old let loose in the corner shop on the way to school' diet had to go in favour of the whole foods and lean protein of Gail's detox - it's not been that hard, one I get past week one, actually pretty easy, which has really shocked me. Week one wasn't great, I crashed and burned, the headaches I was getting as my body got used to the shock of not having an endless supply of sugar were terrible, so much so I attempted to ease the pain with a packet of Fruit Pastels - I felt like a crack addict going for a hit once cold turkey got too bad.

I refocused and instead of treating myself to crisps, chocolate and full fat Coke, I treated myself to foodie gadgets to help me through the detox, here's what I got....

My Bobble water bottle, rule one of the detox is to drink LOTS of water. This handy little gadget means that I can turn tap water instantly into filtered water. Sean nabbed my original blue one that I got from the Kitchen Shop stall at Lichfield Food Festival so had to treat myself to this pink one from Waitrose.
The reusable bottle filter should last around 2-3 months, which although the replacement filters aren't cheap it will work out a lot cheaper than buying bottles of mineral water everyday - plus it looks ace :-)

The 'spork', a must for anyone eating a lot of lentils for lunch :-)

My Luckies Brown Paper Lunch Bag is my favourite thing though. Means hauling my lunch to work isn't a chore. Made of indestructible Tyvek material it has insulating material on the inside to make sure that my lunch arrives in tip top condition come 1pm.

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